Frequently Asked Questions
Ail, Aubergine, Basilic ,Betteraves, Bleuets, Camomille, Carottes, Cerises de terre, Choux, Choux rouges, Choux verts, Choux-rave , Citrouilles, Concombres de champs, Concombres de serre, Coriandre, Courges, Épinards, Fenouil, Fraises, Framboises, Haricots, Kale, Laitues, Maïs sucré, Melons d'eau, Melons miel, Menthe, Mûres, Navets, Oignons, Origan, Pommes de terre, Patisson, Persil, Piments, Poireaux, Pois verts, Poivrons, Pommes, Prunes, Radis, Raisins, Sarriette, Sauge,Thym, Tomates rondes,Tomates cerises, Zuchinnis.
Assign someone you know to get the basket instead of you. It's a beautiful way to share this experience with family or friends. If, however, this option is not possible for you, you can easily modify your delivery basket date accessing your online calendar.
The content of the basket is provided mostly from our farm. Organic baskets contain only organic food from Québec. No products are imported. All of our products are certified organic by Ecocert Canada.
Payment accepted: credit card online, cheques or bank transfer.
You may choose to pay in two installment , the first required by June 15th , and second one is August 15th.
Payment by cheques are labelled to O Saine Terre. Please send your cheques by mail at 3130 rang nord, L'Assomption, J5W 4Y2, Quebec,
There is three different vegetables to exchange in case of allergy or for any preferences.
You can easily access to your invoice, either from your email archive (a link was sent to you via email when you subscribed organic baskets), or by reconnecting to your account and access to your previous order:
The Organic Summer Baskets (regular format at $ 24 or family size at $ 48) are delivered each week for 20 weeks, from mid-June to November.
The regular size contains about 8 different types of fruits and vegetables weekly.
Savour the flavour of freshly picked vegetables every week, delivered near your home or place of work.
Enjoy a variety of vegetables and the joy of eating in season.